Crablog 11-13-05:
- Bought all kinds of stuff at PetSmart including: 20 gal (long) glass tank, glass lid, Forest Bedding (FB), huts, UTH, climber wall, playsand, and 5 more crabs. Came home and set it all up. Bathed little crabbies and put them in. This tank is much nicer. We believe that all crabs are PPs (Coenobita Clypeatus which is the most common and apparently the only kind PetSmart sells). The names of all the crabs (from biggest to smallest) are: Kermit, Hermie, Oscar, Tiger Lilly, Tinkerbell (Tink) and Squirt.
- We have the tank set up where the left side is the wet and cool side, and left side is dry warm side. Sand is down on both sides, aquarium gravel in the middle and then FB is on top the sand on the right side (UTH is under it).

Hello, I have a fairly new website that has been online for about 8 months. I am doing research as per a fellow website owner suggested to gather information about delivering good content to my visitors. I lokked at alot of websites that are in my area horse shoeing supply . But was told to search the blogs that I could gather more information then just people trying to sale you something. I have done the internet MLM thing and really got disgusted at the whole thing. So my wife and I thought since we love horses we should build a website around that. We have done preety good so far but I always want to improve. I didn;t realize it would be so time consuming though. But we love it and hope to improve and offer some of the best recourses and products available. Hence the search for content new products and information about what we have.
Thank you for your BLOG.
horse shoeing supply
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