Questions or help needed

I don't know where or how else to post this so I'll just do it as a blog entry. This is for anyone and everyone reading these pages. If you have questions or need information or help in anyway regarding hermit crabs, please feel free to email me at I may be able to answer or provide help and if not, I can direct you to some awesome websites where you can find help and even more knowledgeable people. Also, for anyone in Maryland who may be reading these pages, I have a Hermit Crab Meetup group so if you live near Gaithersburg you can join up and maybe come to a meeting. See all the happenings at Even though there are a couple of members we still have not been able to have an actual meeting. Last month is was looking good but then the one member who actually lives in the area had to cancel. Please, join up and lets meet and talk about crabs. Hope to hear from some of ya!
HI, I don't know if you got my question. I wanted to know if you can use the silk plants that you can get from a craft store or should you just use the ones from the pet store?
Sorry for asking so many questions.:(
The questions are no problem kaylee, it's ok. I enjoy answering them. Yes, it's ok to use the silk plants from the craft stores. All the vines and stuff in my tank are from Michael's. Just make sure to at very least rinse them in dechlorinated water first if not boil them in it to get rid of any germs and such.
As far as getting your question; did you send it to my email? I haven't checked my home email yet since I'm at work but I'll look for it tonight. Email is really the better way and I check it every day.
I just noticed on one of my hermit crabs that it has a little spot on his leg that looks like a burn hole. I have had this one for a few weeks now and I was wondering if you had any ideas what it is and if you think when he molts it will go away. If you need a picture I could try to get you one. I don't if you wouyld want me to email you the picture using my father's email address.
Thank you for all your help.
Hey Kaylee. Go ahead and email me some pics if you can and I'll forward them to someone who might know and post them on the forum I belong to and we'll see if anyone can figure out what's going on. My hopes are that it isn't an infection brewing. My email is and i'll be looking for your mail. Put Kaylee's crab pics in the subject line so I know who it's from. Email anytime.
The email address is ftroop73.
I have not received any email from you!
When I was downloading my pictures freom my digital camera on to the main computer the computer decided it was going to freeze. So I turned it off and when I went to go turn it back on, it wouldn't turn on so I have to wait for my dad to take a look at it. So it may be awile until I get the pictures to you.
Thank you for your help!!! :)
No problem Kaylee, email them anytime you want.
My family is going to get a 50 gallon crabitat and some more crabs. Do you have any suggestions on heaters for them and how to keep the humidity up? Also do you have any ideas on how many crabs I should put in the crabitat? Thanks
Just found your blog (not sure why I've not visited before now) and it is fabulous. I love the formatting, colors, and photography! Oh, content is cool too!
Hi, I have had a hermit crab for 4 years. About 6 weeks ago, he stopped moving. He is on top of the sand, hanging lifeless half way out of the shell. He DOES NOT smell fishy, so I keep thinking he is molting. When do I determine that is dead. Or do you think it is still molting? This is my 7-year old pet and she is devastaded. Help!!!
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