Crablog & Menu
Again with it being a VERY long time since I posted.
Tonight for dinner: it's a chicken soup that Steph made the other day with no seasonings at all. There's chicken, corn, mushrooms, pasta, carrot, & onion. They may like it, I hope they do.
The new Es we got, what rascals they are. Actually, they are downright shits. In fact, the 4 big ones we have named. The giant one is named Fat Bastard, and then there's Grinch, Little Shit and Grumpy. Why those very negative names? Well, FB is just a pinchy jerk, he's really latched onto me several times and Grinch and Little Shit are notorius for screwing around with the other crabs and making them chirp all the time. I don't know if it's been territorial stuff or shell fights or what, but several nights in a row they have been causing trouble. We are in the process of moving the 4 big ones into the 20 gal and the 8 little guys are going into the 40B. The 20 gal will now be referred to as the exile or bad boy tank.
Lastly, the Addiction site is having another contest for April and the theme is crabs and flowers. On the last day of the contest we sat for over an hour taking 74 pictures of the crabs in the midst of some daisy's we got at Trader Joe's. They are below:

Lol, I don't know, I just found them, hahahahaha. Um, WE took those awesome pics silly. I took the best ones though, for a change, rofl. Nah, we both took some awesome ones, don't you think so?
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