Deep Clean
So I decided to attempt my first deep clean on Saturday. This was a lot of fun (sarcasm) because I caught a cold from one of the kids and wasn't feeling the greatest. Actually it wasn't all that bad though because with me and Steph both working on it, it went pretty fast; just a little over an hour I guess. At least we didn't end up digging up any molters; I was really worried about that. The hardest part really was figuring out exactly where I wanted to put stuff and what I wanted to put in. I didn't put in the half log this time, Steph wants it to dry out really good so I just put in a larger hut and a small cocohut but they have a big plant in the back to hide in and under and LOTS of digging room. The crabs had so much fun Saturday afternoon and evening I just couldn't believe it. I have never seen so much activity going on in my tank in the nearly 4 months I've had it. It even spurred a shell changing frenzy too. They kept waking me up all night from the clanking on the glass they were all doing as they were frantically climbing and shell shopping. I'm sure all that fun activity will cease immediately but it was fun for a day or two.
Anyway, so here are the pics of the newest design and there's a bunch more sand AND FB. Last time I used the Forest Bedding from the bag and I hated that stuff and I'm throwing it out. I do not recommend it as there's some pretty big chunks of wood in it. This time I used a brick of the EE and there's also Bed a Beast and it's much finer. There's about 5 inches each of EE and sand and then another couple of inches of moss on top the EE which we found they LOVE. Below the 'tat pics are pics of the crabs when we were putting them back in.

Tink (PP)-Note the interesting pink color on the legs:

Beaker (Indo):

Tune (Indo):

Spaz (PP)-This is the Psycho crab:

Kermit (PP):

And I don't know who this is anymore (PP):

And here is Kermit again watching the Olympics with me Saturday night (we were busting on Bode Miller):

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