06 January 2006

Crablog & Menu

Chicken, organic noodles, yellow squash, celery, Total, CrabCake, walnuts & 10-grain.

Petunia still under the IO dish. Color is getting even prettier than before molt.

Oscar is moving about, s/he's been buried down and over from Petunia. Perhaps Oscar is planning on coming topside soon also...

Saw Blue tonight, VERY nice coloring now. Hairy legs and black tips.

Saw another Ruggie but not sure who. Coloring looks brown/gray. Hairy legs and black tips. Got pics.

Saw David tonight also (darker shell but speckly) and that one's color seems to have changed as well. Hairy legs and black tips. Got pics.

Tomorrow I'm going to have to dig a little and see if we may have a dead crab buried. We haven't seen Squirt since about a week or two after we brought them home. In the back corner there is a spot that I thought was Squirt but it was sort of wet looking, this was weeks ago. Well, the spot is still there and it doesn't look as though anything around it has moved. If that spot was from water in the shell, I don't think it would look that way. Vicki told me tonight that if I dig down to the shell, I'll know right away if it's dead because it will stink (the smell would have been trapped in the sand and not escape). I'll check it out tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to be very bummed if that crab died :(

Got some stuff from the dollar store tonight to perhaps move things around a bit and neaten up the 'tat some. At this point there are empty shells all over the place and they keep getting sand and FB in them so I got this sort of plastic tray thing I want to bury a little and put all clean shells in there so they don't get so dirty. Crabbies have been dragging shells all over the place lately; every morning I get up they've all been moved. I've got to stay up some night to see all this activity first hand. It's got to be funny to see them dragging the shells all over the place.

Also going to pull off some recipes from Epicurean Crab and Crab Street Journal and then get some organic and natural ingredients from Whole Foods and make yummy stuff for them. I also want to use a recipe Kathy posted on Hermit Crab Addiction for a daily staple type food to be supplemented with fresh fruits and veggies.


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