03 December 2005

Menu & Crablog

  • Scallop, broccoli, banana, Total cereal, cuttlebone and spirulina.
  • Last night's dinner was barely touched. Really there are only about 4 crabs out that we've seen lately, the rest must be buried.
  • Found Petunia buried in a great big hole under the IO dish.
  • One guy, I think David has been sleeping on the 2nd level since last night.
  • New thermometer/humidity gauge shows the humidity at the perfect level of 80-82% all day and we haven't misted since yesterday afternoon. The other gauge is showing the moisture at least 20% below this one. We have been keepin it way to moist because of that. Perhaps that's caused some of the inactivitiy.

02 December 2005


Strawberry, Kiwi, crab cakes, a fresh cooked shrimp and some sweet potatoe(baby food.. organic)

01 December 2005

Camera Happy Today

Kermit was out and bout today. Isn't he lovely? What a Handsome little man ( or woman??)
Everyone else is asleep someplace. Lots of new looking spots dug up in the sand where everyone is either sleeping or destressing. No one is eating anything that Chris put out for dinner last night! Picky little buggers. They should be paying a hefty fee for the gourmet meals we provide. Worse than the kids I tell ya !
He has gotten brighter in color over the last three weeks.

Proud Young Parent !!

Proud parent of a crab named Blue, a little ruggie we got a few weeks ago. This is Misha showing off her baby.

29 November 2005

Crablog 11-29-05

  • Not much activity tonight. All crabs seemed pretty mellow and not much moving around.
  • I did find someone buried under the IO water dish I just don't know who. I was trying to get the dish to sit down a little more into the sand so I would be easier for them to climb in and out of and as I was very gently digging down, came upon the top of somone's shell. I covered it and just went ahead and replaced the dish. What I truly hope is that I didn't disturb or harm it. Even more, I hope that it will still be able to breathe. I don't want to dig down there and then transfer it out into another tank because I think that will just be more stress, but I don't know. Later, I did sort of stick my finger down and made a little "tunnel" I guess to him so air would go in, I just hope no other crabs decide to go down and mess with it.

28 November 2005

Crablog 11-28-05

  • Today for the first time ever I got to see one of the crabs in the Salt Water pool. Petunia, our Brevimanus (Indo) was sitting there pretty as you please for about half an hour to 45 min just hanging out. She is a beautiful crab and such a sweetie; so very gentle whenever we take her out. She finally comes out to say hi now at least when we bring her out, at first she just hid in real tight.
  • Tonight's dinner consists of scrambled egg, turkey meat, mango, cuttlebone, seaweed.
  • Right before bed I walked by the tank and saw one of our little guys laying on his side and hugging a small shell. As I watched him he was turning it around and I realized that he was thinking seriously about trying it on. Steph and I sat there for about 30 min watching him turn it round and round, stick his head in the check out the inside and turn it some more. After a while I guess he finally got it in just the right position and popped on it; I didn't have a very good view of that but i knew he was in there. Anyway, he sat there, sort of moved around in it (as if he were shrugging his shoulders to feel how it fit), then tucked up to see if it would work. He sat another minute and then decided he didn't like it and popped back into his old shell. This one I got a great view of and saw his naked little tail end, lol. I guess I got "mooned". He kept sitting there holding on to the shell, stated to move away and then came back and grabbed it again.

27 November 2005

Crablog 11-27-05

  • Dinner tonight was mango, scrambled egg, carrot, tangerine, cuttlebone, seaweed & spirulina.
  • Kermit fell off the 2nd level again. Same spot, same loud bang of his shell on the glass.