- Saw a shell last night that I didn't recognize. Picked up the little guy, well, not so little really but I'm not sure who it is. It's one of the bigger ones like from the first batch of crabs, but I don't know who it is. I can't see any abandoned shells laying around except for Hermie's and I believe Hermie is bigger in size than this one. I don't know who it is but they were a little hairy and had black tips on their toes so I believe they've molted recently.
- This morning I awoke and saw another one that I haven't seen in a while, another of the first batch. I believe that it's probably Tiger Lilly but I was heading to work so I didn't get a chance to take them out and see who it was. It hung out for a while and then dipped into the big hut to hang out. I'll see if I can find it again tonight and see if I can figure out who it is. The empty shells were moved around too so somebody has been shopping, perhaps that one... :)
- UPDATE: Steph said that this morning when she checked things out that the crab I saw this morning was in fact Tinker Bell. It had just changed shells when she saw it, Steph found the abandoned shell out near the front and Tink was in "readjusting". Steph also said that Tink seemed quite hairy but she didn't check for the black tips. She put Tink on the 2nd level w/ the empty shell and Tink ended up going to the back edge and then falling off, lol. I honestly don't have any idea who is who in there anymore.
Menu & Crablog
- Total, kiwi, dried papaya, coconut, cuttlebone & chicken.
- Kermit out early tonight, scared him while he was in food dish. He's out and about cruising around the tank right now. His colors are really starting to turn red, much more red than any of the PPs I've seen. Honestly when I looked in the 'tat just now, some of his red is almost as red as a Straw, but without the white dots. His BP is so dark purple that it nearly looks black.
- I just picked him up for a minute. In the 'tat when he sees me he always runs for cover, but when I brought him out he came out to say hi pretty fast. Tried to latch onto my thumb. I printed out the measuring chart from HCA and he measures within the medium circle; when I took my fingers off of him he zoomed off across the page.
- Woke up this morning and found Hermie's shell in the corner at the front of the tank. One of the kids spotted it and we didn't know if he was in there and hiding or not so I picked it up to check. Empty! Funny thing is that I can't remember what empty shell had been sitting there and we haven't seen him since.
- This evening after the lights were out, and while we were watching a movie, I walked by the 'tat and saw Kermit at the FW dish. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some movement and a shell going back into the log. It looked somewhat like Petunia's green turbo but I just couldn't get a clear look at it. I think Petunia is still under the IO dish so it had to be Hermie, but I don't remember if there were 2 green turbos laying down there or not. Perhaps I'll put some popcorn in there tonight to see if I can lure him out again like the other night when I tried it.
- Vicki told me today that she is opening an online Hermit Crab supply store and that in the spring she would start shipping hermits. I had mentioned to her that I really wanted to get some Es (mostly for their activity level and the fact that they can help the others be more active too) and she told me she could send me some then when she started shipping them. That sounds like a cool deal and I may just have to take her up on that one.