Menu & Crablog
- Peanut butter, Total, 10-grain cereal, CrabCake, raw sesame seeds, fresh coconut, cuttlebone and spirulina.
- Petunia STILL under the IO dish. When I changed out the water yesterday I took a quick picture of her/his very impressive "nest" s/he has dug out under it. I worry a lot about changing out the water because I take out the dish to wash it and I'm so afraid that it's going to collapse in on her/him. S/he has nearly the entire area under it hollowed out and I'm surprised the dish is still up and not sunk in yet.
- David is still changing in and out of his new and old shells. Last night I looked in and his old shell was moving around with the new one laying next to it. 10 minutes later I look in and he's back in his new shell trucking around. I can't figure out if it's uncomfortable, too heavy or he's just having "shell identity crisis", lol.
- I see Kermit out tonight hiding in the large hut. I haven't seen him for a few days.
- Couldn't see Hermie in his usual hiding spot in the back corner. I don't know where he's gone.
Menu & Crablog
- Carrots, dried Papaya, Total, 10-grain cereal, CrabCake, Cuttlebone, Spirulina and Coconut.
- Apparently David has decided he likes his new shell because he is still wearing it. I found his old shell abandoned in the large hut.
- Everyone is still hidden away. Hermie is still back in his corner on top of someone buried and David and another of the little ones are back there with him. Petunia is still under the IO dish and someone has built a tunnel under the log.
Menu & Crablog
- Put in more shrimp and scallops. They seemed to like both the shrimp and the dry combo I put in last night. We also picked up a couple of coconuts today, Steph chopped some up and the .. crabs.. David I think, maybe Kermit, drug some of it out and there is a coconut trail leading to the log entrance. That might just be a hit!
- David switched shells into a newbie one that was too small, he went back to the old one. Then he put on another new one, bigger, more awkward. He then took it in the hut and abandoned it, we think he streaked out across the FB to find his old shell and got back into it. Then he apparently went back into the hut and back into the new bigger shell. We are just waiting to see what he does next, he is sleeping in his new shell right now, probably testing the comfort level of it. Crabs!!!! Chris got some video of the second swapping and is thinking about getting a free web page so she can post the videos to it as well as the photos.
- Chris is jealous that I help her with her blogs and change the title to say COMPLETE obsession!
- I went shopping the other day however and got lots of goodies for our crabbies! I totally ROCK and am now also becoming completely obsessed!
Menu & Crablog
- Total, 10 grain dry cereal, raw sunflower seeds and shrimp.
- David sleeping up on 2nd level again. He was down meandering on the floor level this morning but moved up to sleep under the light this afternoon.
- Kermit, Hermie and Oscar were out a bit last night. Both Oscar and Hermie took off and hid as soon as they saw me moving. Kermit stayed by the food dish.
- Steph said she saw Kermit eating. There was a little broccoli moved around and some by the log (I guess someone took some in for a midnight snack) but by the look of the food in the bowl, the Total seemed to be the most touched.